Title: Development of a Toolkit on Innovative Fundraising and Delivery of a Training in Project Proposal writing and Gender Responsive Budgeting
Project: Partnerships for Municipal Innovation – Women in Local Leadership
Purpose of Assignment: The assignment has two (2) core purposes:
1) Develop a toolkit highlighting resources for contextually appropriate resources on innovative fundraising and gender responsive budgeting.
2) Design and deliver a training to build the capacity of selected local authorities to develop bankable project proposals with accompanying budgets.
Position: Consultant to the Local Government Association of Zambia
Number of Positions: 1
Language : English
Period/Duration: 3 weeks
Reporting to: National Project Coordinator, PMI-WILL Project
The Partnerships for Municipal Innovation – Women in Local Leadership (PMI-WILL) is a $27,610,160 project with a financial contribution of $26 million from Global Affairs Canada (GAC) and $1,610,160 of in-kind contributions from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM). PMI-WILL is designed to bring about enhanced enjoyment of rights for women and girls in Benin, Cambodia, Ghana, Sri Lanka, and Zambia. To bring about this ultimate outcome, the project seeks to achieve the following intermediate and immediate outcomes:
Intermediate outcome 1000: increased participation by women, particularly those from marginalized groups, as leaders and decision-makers in local governance in the targeted countries.
Immediate outcome 1100: Increased capacity of women from marginalized groups to run for local elected office;
Immediate outcome 1200: Increased capacity of women in local government administration to perform their duties effectively;
Immediate outcome 1300: Increased capacity of the network of women elected officials to support women leadership and participation in decision-making in local governance.
Intermediate outcome 2000: Increased capacity of local authorities to deliver inclusive, gender responsive municipal services.
Immediate outcome 2100: Increased capacity of local authorities to deliver inclusive, gender responsive municipal services;
Immediate outcome 2200: Increased capacity of the Local Government Association of Zambia (LGAZ) to create an enabling environment for inclusive, gender responsive local governance and municipal service delivery.
FCM has been engaging with a network of stakeholders in each country and benefit from the contributions of Canadian municipal volunteers. Key interlocutors in each country include Local Government Associations (LGAs), Local Authorities/Councils and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that work directly on gender or women’s affairs, Political Parties, and national authorities including ministries responsible for local government, gender, women’s affairs, and local government training institutes.
In Zambia, PMI-WILL project is being implemented in partnership with LGAZ. Key project partners in the country include the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development, Gender Division under Cabinet Office, selected Local Authorities, Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Women’s Rights Organizations (WROs).
Local authorities have significant impact on the quality of life of women and girls through the delivery of basic services, such as clean drinking water, sanitation, public health, local economic development as well as the protection of human rights and security. By being more inclusive and gender-responsive, local authorities are better able to reach out to and serve marginalized individuals and groups and to respond to the needs of women and girls as distinct from those of men and boys.
PMI-WILL will increase the effectiveness of five (5) selected local authorities in delivering inclusive, gender responsive services by developing their capacity to work in a more inclusive and gender-responsive manner and through strengthening the capacity of Ward Development Committees (WDCs) and community-based organizations to engage in local governance processes. The project will support each local authority, in collaboration with service users and community-based organizations, especially women’s groups, to assess its services, develop municipal service delivery improvement plans and pilot initiatives that make priority services more responsive to the needs of women and marginalized groups. Participating local authorities and the successful service delivery initiatives will serve as models of inclusive, gender-responsive governance and service delivery that can be shared with, and replicated by, other local authorities in the country. Inclusive, gender responsive municipal services and local governance processes will contribute towards an enabling environment for enhanced enjoyment of rights for women and girls from marginalized groups.
LGAZ involvement in supporting, assessing, and documenting these initiatives is key to support knowledge sharing, replication, and sustainability of good practices.
To “increase capacity of local authorities to deliver inclusive, gender responsive municipal services” (Outcome 2100), the project is undertaking various capacity development trainings targeting both elected leaders and appointed staff in five (5) selected local authorities, namely Chifunabuli, Kafue, Kasama, Lunte and Nakonde. This includes training of municipal staff in writing bankable project proposals with accompanying gender-responsive budgets.
LGAZ, therefore, seeks to engage a consultant (firm or individual) to lead the development of a fundraising resource toolkit as well as designing and delivery of an in-person training in project proposal writing with an accompanying gender responsive budget. The consultant will work together with a team of Canadian Municipal Experts and LGAZ staff.
The Consultant will:
i. Lead the development of the resource toolkit highlighting strategies for innovative fundraising and resources for appropriate funding and gender responsive budgeting for local authorities.
ii. Finalise the resource toolkit upon receipt of contributions from Canadian Municipal Experts and LGAZ.
iii. Design and deliver a training workshop on “Developing Inclusive Initiatives: Proposal Writing and Gender Responsive Budget”.
iv. Create and undertake pre-training and post-training assessments to assess the effectiveness of the training in meeting the knowledge needs of participants.
v. Provide a training report that includes recommendations on the appropriate next steps to support LGs in finalizing their service initiative proposals, highlighting where FCM, LGA partners and Canadian Municipal Practitioners should provide technical support as relevant.
The main deliverables and their timelines are as stipulated below:
i. A toolkit highlighting various innovative funding sources for local government’s inclusive and gender-responsive service delivery initiatives. The toolkit will also contain clear and concise knowledge materials on proposal writing and application of gender responsive budgeting in local government (5 days).
ii. A training module on project proposal and gender responsive budget writing (4 days)
iii. A compilation of all appropriate training materials (2 days).
iv. Delivery of a training workshop targeting selected five (5) local authorities ( 3 days)
v. A training report (which includes pre and post training assessment results) ( 4 days)
Duration of the assignment = 18 working days
Applicants are required to indicate only their daily consultancy fee (in Zambian Kwacha and inclusive of Withholding Tax) and the number of days (duration) anticipated to complete the assignment. Please note that logistics related to the assignment including printing, travel and accommodation expenses do not need to be costed as these are covered by the project.
The consultant is expected to possess the following:
i. A postgraduate qualification in Economics, Public Policy, Development Finance, Project Management, Development Studies and Planning or other relevant discipline. An undergraduate qualification (bachelor’s degree) in combination with three additional years of post-qualifying work experience may also be accepted.
ii. A minimum of three (3) years experience in writing project proposals and concept papers for international organisations, cooperate entities and public institutions.
iii. Demonstrated evidence of successful proposals as lead writer, conversant with different donor requirements.
iv. More than one (1) year professional experience in developing training materials and facilitating trainings/seminars/workshops;
v. A good understanding of thematic areas related to public finance, municipal innovations and service analysis, gender equality and social inclusion, grant writing and resource mobilisation and gender responsive budgeting is an added advantage;
vi. In-depth understanding of the context in Zambia with specific focus on the legal and policy framework for local government.
Candidates will be evaluated based on the technical and financial criteria that combines the following aspects:
i. Professional qualification of a lead consultant (15 points);
ii. Demonstrated professional experience (25 points);
iii. Evidence of successful proposals as lead writer (40 points),
iv. A tentative workplan and approach (10 points);
v. Daily consultancy fee in local currency (10 points)
Applicants are required to submit a proposal (not more than 6 pages excluding CVs) highlighting the following:
i. Relevant professional work experience.
ii. A list of successful project proposals or relevant consultancy assignments.
iii. A tentative workplan and approach.
iv. Anticipated daily consultancy fee ,withholding tax inclusive.
v. List of people who will work on the assignment (if working as a team) with their CVs.
Proposals should be addressed to the:
National Project Coordinator,
Partnerships for Municipal Innovation – Women in Local Leadership,
Local Government Association of Zambia, Lusaka.
and submitted in PDF format by e-mail to:
info@lgazambia.org.zm & copy stanley.chanda@lgazambia.org.zm by Close of Business on Wednesday, September 13th, 2023.
Please indicate “Proposal Writing” in the email subject line. Only successful applicants will be contacted.
A copy of the ToRs can be downloaded by clicking on https://bit.ly/ProposalToRs